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Eurovision Village

Georgina Y M Tang

Posted on May 14 2023

Eurovision Village
I have been working on an inspection with the Care Quality Commission this week and literally finished it this afternoon, so very busy that l haven't been able to take my young man to visit the Eurovision Village until a few hours ago. Better late than never!!!
We managed to see 3 songbirds and a few bits but still it was an amazing experience with so many people from all over the world in Liverpool, our home town. There were people speaking different languages, as well as English people from all over the UK in the boat trip we took at Albert Dock. Followed by my young man favourite, a ride or two on the merry go round before the rain pouring down which put an end to our little trip.
Hope most of you enjoyed the Eurovision song contest last night, certainly l did, in between writing up the inspection report.
Have a lovely Sunday evening!!!
#eurovisionvillage #ynny #yoursnaturallynaturallyyours #eurovisionsongcontest #havingfun #weekendfun #liverpool

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