15% off everything to celebrate Chinese New Year, auto discount. We won the appeal against Kate McIver Skin

My 60th birthday party

Georgina Y M Tang

Posted on May 01 2023

My 60th birthday party
Yesterday we had an absolutely fantastic time celebrating my 60th birthday and also my winning the legal action against Kate Mclver Skin Limited after 4 long years. I will post about this win at a later date.
This was my first birthday party in 30 years as the last one was when I was 30. Therefore no expense was spare for my party and we had a 12 course Chinese banquet. Some of the dishes are not even on the menu. I feel so blessed that the main Chef prepared such exquisite dishes for my party. Thank you very much Chung Ku Restaurant Liverpool as all my friends commented how delicious the food was. Absolutely out of this world as commented by many people.
Yesterday l saw many friends that l have not seen for over 30 years and my oldest friend of 41 years came all the way from York. We met when we did nursing training together. I was overwhelmed that so many friends travelled long distances to help me to celebrate, really thank you all from the bottom of my heart.
Seeing so many of my old friends again has made me realise that not only l have so many loyal friends and despite not seeing each other for so long, we will always be friends. Friendship is so important as this is an area that l neglected for two decades because l am so very busy with my young man and my business, working all day and night, day after day, year after year. Things will change from now, so Peter Yan , get your restaurant open quickly because l missed Japanese food.
Sixty, wow what an age but l don't feel anything has changed much, as yesterday l was wearing the dress that l wore over 30 years ago. Yes l still fit into clothes that l wore in my twenties!!! 👏👏👏
My tips for growing old gracefully and beautifully is to have a healthy balanced diet by cooking food from scratch. Despite my busy schedule, l always find time to cook daily. A good thing about being extremely busy is that l have little if not no time for stress. Last but not least, use quality skincare that is highly effective like what my company offers. My Elixir and Enhanced collagen booster have been keeping me looking young and my hair care products have giving me healthy glossy fuller hair. No beauty treatment at all, just using my own products.
Life is all about living and that's what I am going to do, now that my young man is finally making good progress in his cognitive development and speech. He is speaking a little and can hold a basic conversation. I can relax a bit finally after almost 20 of devoting my whole life to him. It's all worth it because seeing what he has achieved so far which is supposedly to be impossible is my best birthday present ever. Love you to the moon and back a thousand times, my young man!!!

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