Update on legal battle against Kate McIver Skin
Posted on November 11 2023

I am very pleased to inform you all that I won the Security costs application on 26th September where KMS had to pay £20,000 in to court to enable them to continue with their appeal against my company. Also, the judge ordered KMS to pay me back money spent on this application (approx. 60-70% not 100%). No engagement from KMS despite a few requests. Therefore I am now forced to take KMS back to court for an order to make them to pay me an exact amount of money. I will get back only around 60-70% of costs again. Absolutely unfair as I have to pay out more money for no good reason!
The judge wrote about the financial evidence provided by KMS: "I do not consider that the evidence provided by the Appellant (KMS) is full, frank and unequivocal. The evidence that the appeal will be stifled is little more than an assertion."
We are still waiting for KMS to provide monthly income received for selling the two copied serums “with attaching relevant documents” in preparation for compensation talks after winning the main trial by 18th May. This is a breach of the Injunction order and I am taking them back to court to obtain an order to bar them from providing any financial info. This is because KMS now alleged to be in poor financial position directly caused by my company and without any assets but the judge viewed it differently: “The conduct of the Respondent (my company) amounts to nothing more than the successful pursuit of its legal right”. Again for this application, I can only recover 60-70% costs.
Without informing us, KMS went to court to seek permission to appeal and at the same time got a court order not to release my £50,000. I was due to receive my money back after winning the main trial. No words can described my disappointment on hearing that.
I am very confident in winning the appeal. With all these additional applications, it will cost around £100,000 which wasn’t planned having already spent £200,000. Therefore I am pleading to you all to help me to get justice and protect my livelihood by donating whatever you can to my Crowdfunding page. If not just place an order as every little bits help.
Here’s the article written by Justin on this campaign.
Lastly we have been made aware that KMS started reselling the two serums based on Elixir in September and we will deal with this under the Injunction order after the appeal hearing.
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