Posted on December 22 2020

On the last day at school, pupils were asked to described each other and here's what they said about my young man: Gentle, friendly, 100%, funny, cheeky, very polite, happy, kind, wonderful, amazing laugh, nice smile, happy disposition and lovely smiley person!!!
I am one proud mum, as he has turn into such a loving, caring and popular young man. So popular that when another pupil bullied Alessio on Facebook by making fun of him; many children from across the school reported the incident to the Head teacher straightaway. Also, they demanded the perpetrator to delete the offending image of Alessio.
Alessio lovely personality has touched many pupils and staff in school as he is the most popular pupil of all time. It’s not just in this school that he is popular, he was the most popular student in all the schools he attended! Children used to queue to play with him as he was so popular. Such an amazing achievement, especially for someone who has severe communication difficulties and complex needs! Basically he can’t talk like you and I, as he has very limited speech. However, Alessio has clearly demonstrated that LOVE doesn’t require speech or language because it comes from his heart and soul, which is another amazing achievement for him being Autistic. This is because professionals and textbooks stated that people with Autism are not able to express their feelings and emotions or have empathy but Alessio has proved them wrong. Never take the words of professionals as the truth and the only truth because we, the parents can change the future of our children with additional needs!
Never underestimate the ability and power of someone with disabilities and additional needs, ever!
#autism #autistischildren #additionalneeds #specialneeds #communicationdifficulties #sensoryprocessingdisorder #attentiondeficitdisorder #learningdifficulties #complexneeds #specialschool #onlinebullying #AutisticSpectrumDisorder