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My Little Ray of Sunshine

Georgina Y M Tang

Posted on October 26 2024

My Little Ray of Sunshine
This time of the year, we would normally be in our holiday home watching the firework display and partying but unfortunately not this year.
Alessio has been staying at home for the past two weeks to avoid catching any infections before his operation on 30th October. He is only allowed out to visit the theatre, recovery room and pre-op assessment centre to help him to reduce his intense fear of his forthcoming operation. I actually have been planning this with the hospital for months to ensure everything goes smoothly including his post op medications. They have to order in his liquid medications, especially antibiotics in advance due to his multiple allergies. Together with the theatre staff and anaesthetist, we made a plan on to how to sedate Alessio and to care for him after surgery withour creating too much stress for him.
This week, I have been particularly busy so I had little time with him but he never complains despite being at home for so long. Therefore last night, I booked the tickets to take him to The Polar Express experience as he loves steam trains and Father Christmas in December as one of his presents. He is so excited about it when I showed him the promotional video. Therefore he wanted to wear his pyjamas and dressing gown in the train too.
I got him a jigsaw puzzle this week and he's excited to do it with his Personal Assistant today as you can see from the photo. Unfortunately I am working this weekend and every weekend until Christmas, so luckily he has a PA to play with him at the weekend! All thanks to the funding from social services. Back to work, bottling products that I made up last night for an urgent order before I cook dinner.
#ynny #yoursnaturallynaturallyyours #personalassistant #jigsawpuzzle #weekendathome #havingfunathome #halloweenweekend #rayofsunshine

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