Mum wins legal victory over anti-gaing serum she created
Posted on June 15 2023
Extra! Extra! Read all about it!
Woohoo, my 4 long years legal battle against Kate McIver Skin has been published today by the Liverpool Echo and it goes in quite a bit of details on the legal case.
1st ever won case of Reverse Passing off determined by trial, legal history made!!!
#YNNY #yoursnaturallynaturallyyours #katemciver #katemciverskin #secretweaponlimitededition #secretweaponoriginal #truthisoutthere #truestory #TrueToBeTold #legalhistroy #intellectualpropertylaw #HistoricalWin #winningcase #winner #elixirserum #MiracleInAbottle #reversepassingoff #chemotherapy #cancer #cancerpatient #katemciversecretweapon