25% off Elixir lash & brow serum. We won the appeal against Kate McIver Skin

Zero Waste Liverpool

Georgina Y M Tang

Posted on January 21 2024

Zero Waste Liverpool

Not long back from collecting free food from @liverpool_zerowaste and absolutely over the moon with the variety of food I received tonight. Here are some of the food: fresh oranges, bananas, two lots of Tesco green salads, Tesco fresh cauliflowers and also broccoli, Tesco houmous, M & S vegetarian sushi and bacon, Tesco stir fry vegetables, Tesco fresh jumbo prawns, Tesco creamy mashed potatoes, 6 fresh white shell eggs, M & S sourdough breads and loads of prepared meals such as chill con carne. Absolutely unbelievable amount of high quality food saved from going to landfill site when they are perfectly fine to eat! I even got a tin of borletti beans from M & S just because the label is slightly damaged.
I am so pleased that I went tonight despite the high winds, it's well worth the trip out as my family will eat well with all these delicious food.
I will be using the mushrooms, parsley and spring onions from tonight collection bag for cooking my dinner and freeze most of the food. I will save the jumbo prawns for Chinese new year's eve dinner, prawns tempera yum yum!
Thank you so much for charity like Zero Waste Liverpool, otherwise my family could go hungry due to the ongoing 5 years long legal battle against Kate McIver Skin, which completely cleared my life savings and also any profits from my business.

If anyone is struggling, please check out Zero Waste - Liverpool page to see where you can get food for free and don't feel embarrassed about this.
A big thank you to the lady who told me all the charities who provide free or low cost food when I was in the vegan fair in Prescot last November, you are a life saver!
#ynny #yoursnaturallynaturallyyours #reducefoodwaste #reuse #recycle #reduce #foodtofeedthefamily #legalbattle #katemciverskin #katemciver #secretweaponoriginal #secretweaponlimitededition

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