15% off everything to celebrate Chinese New Year, auto discount. We won the appeal against Kate McIver Skin


Georgina Y M Tang

Posted on April 02 2022

At YNNY we would like to spread the word about #WorldAutismAwarenessDay is an internationally recognized day on 2 April every year encouraging The world to take measures to raise awareness about people on the autistic spectrum disorders throughout the world. This is particularly close to my heart because my son has severe Autism and the associated sensory processing difficulties as well as severe learning and communication difficulties. He is my world so I will always do my best to help to improve his quality of life and the lives of people with Autism.

The stress, sleepless nights and struggles to help him to get this far in life is just a distance memory because he has grown up to be such a loving, funny, kind and caring young man and I am so very proud to be his mum. My amazing young man inspired me to create skin and hair care products for him when he underwent chemotherapy which turned into a business providing us a good living and more importantly, future care costs for him when I am not around. Every time you order from my company, you are contributing towards his future care cost fund as well as Cancer Research UK. This is because we donate £1 for every order received to CRUK.

Honestly, I am not a super mum or best mum in the world but simply mummy to my miracle son, Alessio who fought hard to stay alive as he has so many serious medical conditions. He even fought hard to breath immediately after he was born and thanks to the amazing medical team, they brought him back to life. I am so lucky to have such a fierce fighter as my son. Well done my young man and I will always be there to fight for you to my last breath, my dearest Alessio!

#autismawareness #autism #autismacceptance #autismmom #autismfamily #asd #specialneeds #autismlife #autismspeaks #autismlove #autistic #autismsupport #autismspectrum #autismo #autismspectrumdisorder #aspergers #adhd #autismparents #disability #differentnotless #love #neurodiversity #autismadvocate #inclusion #autismcommunity #cancerresearchuk #autismawarenessandacceptance #YNNY #complexneeds #learningdisabilities #CommunicationDifficulties

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