The humble of beginning of YNNY
Posted on October 20 2024

Last week we introduced you to Alessio, the son of our founder Georgina, to tell you the start of his story which inspired Georgina to set up the business.
Alessio has received chemotherapy for his Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis, which resulted in him developing skin problems exacerbated by the treatment. Consequently, Georgina decided to make natural “skin kind” products to minimise the effects, including different types of body butters and massage oils to relieve the issues with success - so much so that Alessio was discharged from the Dermatology department.
From here, she spent more time experimenting with the magic of natural skincare and its healing properties. Her products were so popular amongst family and friends, she decided to take it further and set up her own company – and Yours Naturally Naturally Yours was born.
#OurStory #YNNY #elixirserum #stretchmarkserum #salenowon#ynny #crueltyfreeskincare #antiagingserum #botoxinabottle #miracleinabottle #magicinabottle #naturalskincare #naturalandorganicskin #specialneeds #additionalneeds #autism #sensoryprocessingdifficulties #lifeofanautisticchild #sen #communicationdifficulty