Soap making at Knowsley Carers Centre
Posted on November 24 2018

We had so much fun making these stunning soaps this week.
It's rare that I hold workshop outside but l did to give my sincere thanks to KCC. This is because they gave me some funding in 2013 to enable me to attend 2 natural skin care courses, which I am eternally grateful for.
I am so grateful for all the help that l received in my journey of building and growing my ever expanding empire organically! It has been a long and hard journey but l made it now and that's all that matters. Many "close friends" and "family" doubted that I would get anywhere with it, so stop wasting your money and just concentrate on your well paid job with the housing company.
Well, not only l repaid all the investment l put in to grow this business; this month l am getting my first salary as a Company Director, hooray!
Please believe me, dreams do come truth, if you work hard and don't give up, even if you are seriously ill or dying like l was. Yes l planned for everything as l didn't think l made it last year. Most of all, believe in yourself, even though others don't!
Have a great weekend, everyone!!!
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