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GoFundMe update

Georgina Y M Tang

Posted on October 20 2023

GoFundMe update

A big massive thank to everyone who had donated to my page which I set up to raise critical funds to continue with the fight against Kate McIver Skin Limited. I am being dragged back to court to defend my ground breaking win because KMS appealed against the decision. Now I need approximately another £90,000 for the appeal  having already spent £200,000 and I remain very confident that I will win again.

This legal battle had cleared my life savings that was planned for Alessio and  that's why I am desperately asking for your help by donating anything you can to my GoFundMe page please.

Legal update - you might all be very happy to hear that I won the Security costs application against KMS Limited and they had to put £20,000 into court as security.

So far, I received  £451 donations, a massive amount towards the £15,000 target, especially during this cost of living crisis. Thank you again from the bottom of my heart.

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