25% off Elixir lash & brow serum. We won the appeal against Kate McIver Skin

Extra Extra Read All About It

Georgina Y M Tang

Posted on November 09 2024

Extra Extra Read All About It
Yes another featured article about how young I look despite being 61 years of age and in a few more months, I will be 62!

My secret is really simple, I only use my own natural organic skin and hair care products without nasty chemicals.

For my face, I use Foaming Cleanser, Organic lavender water cleanser and toner, Enhanced collagen booster and Elixir Floral - new scented improved version of Elixir, which I have been testing for quite a few months. Prior I had been using Elixir. My go to mask is Exfoliating face mask with anti-aging properties. I created Elixir back in 2014 to reverse my middle aged looking skin and it’s working. I look much younger now than back in 2014!!! You can see the photos if you click the link to read the article. My age is mentioned under each photo.

For shiny glossy hair, I use Ultra mild shampoo and conditioner but most of all, I use Revive hair serum to grow my beautiful long hair. As a matter of fact, people start losing hair as early as in their 40s and as they grow, they will have less hair. However in my case, I have more hair now than previously. After I had Alessio I lost about 60% of hair so I had to cut my hair short and had a perm to create volume. This is permanent hair loss but I managed to reverse the damage with Revive serum used together with Ultra mild shampoo and conditioner.

This Christmas why not give the gift of beautiful skin or hair to your loved one?

Here's the website link:


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