25% off Elixir lash & brow serum. We won the appeal against Kate McIver Skin

Extra Extra Read All About It

Georgina Y M Tang

Posted on January 27 2024

Extra Extra Read All About It

I am absolutely over the moon that my legal victory against Kate McIver Skin has been featured in La Vida Liverpool, thank you very much Justin Hopper.
It's a very emotional article as I talked about my struggles with mental health because I almost ended my life over it. Also how this legal battle caused me and my family so much pain and sufferings, as well as completely cleared my life savings over the past 5 years. Therefore please have some tissues ready before you start reading the article.
My lawyer has submitted a winding up petition against KMS to close them down, as they refused to engage or pay me £48,000 as awarded by the Judge last December for the appeal. This application is expected to cost around £5000 - £7000. Therefore any help will be much appreciated like placing an order on the website or donate to my GoFundMe page, even my GP donated money as she felt so disgusted by KMS and so many decent people like her did the same. Here's the GoFundMe link:
Please share my post because your family and friends deserve to know the truth that Kate McIver lied and continuing to lie that she created MY ELIXIR aka Secret Weapon whilst she had chemo. She engaged Pelham manufacturer to crack my Elixir formula without success and produced two copycat serums based on my Elixir- Secret weapon limited edition and Secret weapon original. Also don't forget to use #boycottkatemciver #boycottkatemciverskin


Get yours Elixir here: https://www.ynny.co.uk/collections/serums/products/elixir-anti-aging-serum
If you know of any journalists who might be interested in writing my legal battle, please send me their details.

Thank you so much for your continual support!🥰🥰🥰


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