Chinese New Year's Celebrations
Posted on January 24 2025

Last night, Alessio godparents joined us for dinner at his favourite restaurant to welcome in Chinese new year which falls on 29-1-25.
We were blessed with the front table where the performance took place, therefore, all the three lions bowed to Alessio and he wasn't scared a bit which is an amazing achievement for him, especially with the loud noise. He was wearing his ear defenders all night as he's hypersensitive to noise.
After that, everyone was starving and ate the 4 course special banquet within half an hour

Then came the fortune cookies and mine is "A big fortune will descend upon you this year" woohoo
love it.

What a fantastic way to welcome the year of the snake. Can't wait to join in the Chinese new year's celebrations on 2-2-2025.
#ynny #chinesenewyear #chinesenewyeariscoming #chinesenewyearcelebrations #chungkurestaurant #liondance