Update on Kate McIver Skin
Posted on January 19 2024

Following our second victory at the High court of appeal on 19-12-23, KMS has been ORDERED to pay us £48,000 court costs by 16-1-24 but we spent £96,000 on this. They didn't pay or reply to our legal team, so winding up petition against KMS have been submitted. Hopefully this will be swiftly completed by court and appoint an administrator to wind up their company quickly.
Also KMS refused to engage in an earlier court order made in September 23 for the sum of around £7000. They left us no option with but to spend more money to take them back to court to force them to pay us.
However the biggest outstanding matter is sorting out compensation and the capped court fees of £50,000 to us by KMS, as they again refused to engage in mediation to settle this out of court. They left us with no option but to take them back to court to deal with this. Totally unreasonable behaviour resulting in us spending more and more money which they can prevent. We spent around £210,000 in the lower court for the 1st victory in April 23.
So far, we spent over £310,000 so far to reclaim our invention of miracle in a bottle - Elixir aka Secret Weapon from Kate McIver and it's going up day by day due to their extremely unreasonable behaviour.
We would really appreciate it if you could spread the truth to your family and friends about what Kate McIver Skin did to us, as if they knew the truth, then they definitely won’t be buying their copycat serums based on our Elixir!
If anyone knows of any journalists who might be interested in this legal battle, please send us their details?
Here’s the link to get your Elixir and currently it’s 15% discounted:
Elixir - Anti-Aging & Skin Rejuvenating Serum – Yours Naturally Naturally Yours (ynny.co.uk)
#ynny #yoursnaturallynaturallyyours #katemciver #katemciverskin #secretweaponlimited #scretweaponoriginal #legalvictory #cheatersand liars #winners #legalwin #katemciversecretweapon