We won the appeal against Kate McIver Skin, 50% off Clay mask with hyaluronic acid & Organic aloe vera mist

Update on fundraising

Georgina Y M Tang

Posted on December 03 2023

Update on fundraising

Massive thanks to all those generous souls who donated to my fundraising pages and bought raffle tickets, some of them are ex customers of Kate McIver Skin. A massive £1000 was raised, much needed funds to continue the fight for justice against KMS!

Also massive thanks to all those generous souls who promoted my company to increase my business free of charge too.

This money had been used towards the legal fees for the appeal and debarring hearings held this week and I won the latter application and was awarded £8000, so this Christmas we can have some decent meals rather than eating expired food from community food clubs. Heating is on for a limited period and I still need to wear gloves working in my home office.

I also received many supportive messages such as the following one:

"I am absolutely stunned and saddened by what I have just read. I have been buying from Kate McIver for years believing she was an inspiration to many creating a serum to help others while being so sick. As a mother of 2 children, knowing now it was yourself who did this for your son has floored me.
I have unfollowed Kate McIver page from both my personal and professional account and I will no longer be recommending her skincare range to my clients who are going through chemo! I will now be recommending yourself - the true inspiration behind a product that has helped so many. I send you so much love and support and will be recommending your page for others to follow and purchase from. I will happily spread the word and share the truth about Kate McIver.”

The truth continues to spread and please feel free share my posts so that more people know the truth.

Last but not least, please donate a few pounds to my GoFundMe page or place an order online as every little helps. This is because I still have at least two court hearings to attend and each one costing thousands of pounds. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.


Get your Elixir here: 

Elixir - Anti-Aging & Skin Rejuvenating Serum – Yours Naturally Naturally Yours (ynny.co.uk)

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