Crowdfunding Plea published by La Vida Liverpool magazine
Posted on November 04 2023

The legal costs for the ongoing legal battle against Kate McIver Skin is heading towards around £100,000 having already spent £200,000 for the main trial which I won "Reverse Passing Off and Copyright Infringement" this April.
To my absolute horror KMS submitted an appeal against the court judgement. It's a fact that Kate McIver didn't create Elixir aka Secret Weapon because I am the creator.
Due to this, I am on the verge of financial ruin but I can't stop fighting because if I did, I will lose the case by default, so please please donate, place orders or buy a raffle ticket with £100 worth of prize, thank you so much.
Finally a special thank to Justin Hopper for writing and publishing this article to promote my campaign, really grateful for this. xxx
Here's the link to the article:
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